Alfalaah Academy

Teens Islamic Studies – Online Course

As Muslims, not only are we obligated to seek and acquire a certain level of knowledge about our religion, but it is our duty to ensure that our children obtain this knowledge as well. This course has been designed specifically with this in mind; to provide Muslim teenagers with the opportunity to fulfill this important obligation and learn what is required as part of our faith.

Unfortunately many of us often don’t possess the minimum level of knowledge we are required to know as Muslims ourselves, but we should not let that be a reason to be negligent of our children and their Islamic education, such as our core Islamic beliefs, the Qur’an (its explanation and correct method of recitation), the Messenger ﷺ his life and teachings), rulings related to worship (Salah, Hajj, Zakat etc.), family and every-day life.

This course has been designed to provide Muslim teenagers with a strong foundation and allow them to better understand and appreciate the many important Islamic sciences.

What you’ll learn

Who this course is for

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