Alfalaah Academy

Making the Most of Ramadan – A Webinar For Muslim Teens

Teenagers usually have a lot of time, but rarely understand how to use that time in the most productive and effective way during Ramadan. This course offers valuable guidance for Muslim teens on how to successfully gain all they can from this blessed month.

The youth face many productivity hurdles which often limit their potential to maximise benefit.
One of the greatest and most valuable tools they can acquire is the ability to utilise their time in
the most efficient and productive way.

During this webinar they will discover simple ways to effectively manage their time along with various constructive activities to help them grow spiritually and mentally this Ramadan.

What you’ll learn

Who this course is for

Teacher Bio: Shaykh Tahir Ahmed Khan

Shaykh Tahir commenced the ‘Alimiyyah programme at Dar al-‘Ulum al-‘Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah (Bury, UK), where he spent three years studying the Islamic sciences. He then went on to continue his studies at Miftah al-‘Ulum (Blackburn, UK), where he spent a further five years and completed the ‘Alimiyyah programme.

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