40 Ahadith On Signs Of Qiyamah

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
We give all praise to Allah and ask for His forgiveness and guidance. We seek protection from the harm of our actions and thoughts. Whomever Allah guides cannot be led astray. Peace and blessings be upon the Final Messenger Muhammad, his family, and his noble companions. Believing in the Day of Judgement is an essential foundation of faith. It is a day of reckoning where we will be judged for our deeds and either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. Every Prophet warned their people about this day.
The belief in the Day of Judgement is a crucial tenet and pillar of faith. On this day, all individuals will be judged for their deeds and either rewarded with paradise or punished with hellfire. This is why every Prophet warned their people about the coming of the Day of Judgement.
The exact timing of the Qiyamah or the End of the World has not been revealed to any angel or Prophet. Only Allah has knowledge of when the final hour will occur. The Quran instructs the Prophet to inform the disbelievers that only Allah possesses this knowledge. This is mentioned in Surah Lugman, where it is stated that the knowledge of the Day of Judgement is solely with Allah.
However certain events are going to take place prior to the coming of the final hour. These events are known as the Signs of Qiyamah. All the Prophets informed their people of the signs of the final hour. Our Prophet Muhammed being the last and the seal of Prophets, knowing that Doomsday is to come upon this very ummah, explained clearly and in considerable detail the signs of the final hour to the extent that sometimes he would lecture his companions all day on this subject.
Abu Zaid (R.A.) recounts that after the Fajar Prayer, the Prophet Muhammad sat down on the pulpit and delivered a lengthy sermon that continued until the time for Zohr prayer. After offering the Zohr prayer, he again resumed the sermon, which continued until Asr prayer. Following the Asr prayer, he continued the sermon to such an extent that the sun set. During this lengthy address, the Prophet Muhammad discussed past events and provided detailed information about future events. Those who had good memories retained much of what he shared. This account is documented in the Muslim tradition.
- The Sending of Rasulullah
- The Conquest of Jerusalem
- Liars & False Prophets
- Fire in the ftijaz
- The Tartars
- Natural Disasters
- Lying
- More Women on Earth
- The Slave women giving birth to her Master
- A Great Dea1 of killing
- Appearance of Women who are clothed yet appear Naked
- Barefoot Naked Shepherds competing in the construction of Lofty Buildings
- Not Caring about the Source of Income
- Adultery, silk, alcohol and musical instrumets will be considered as permissible
- A believer in the Morning and a disbeliever by the Evening
- Competition in Building Masjids
- Open Flaunting of Immorality
- Taking Money for reading Quran
- Obesity will become Widespread
- Large Numbers of Romans and small numbers of Arabs
- Arabia becoming Meadows and rivers once more
- Removal of the mountains from their places
- A Mans thigh will give news of his family
- Some Arab tribes will go back to Worshipping Idols
- Imaam Mahdi
- Dajjaal
- Esa
- Yajooj majooj
- The Smoke
- The Beast
- The Rising of the Sun from the West
- The Fire
- The Hour will not come until Allah is no longer remembered on Earth
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